Thursday, July 2, 2009

How to Train a Dog

Are men truly dogs? Do you really need to train your man as you would your dog or pet? My good friend Dee swares by this. She always gives advice on how better to respond to or create a situation with your mate. She says this is how you get what you want without confrontation. And it always stems from basic dog training - The key to proper training is positive reinforcement using treats and unlimited praise. Be patient and avoid harsh punishment, and you and your dog will both benefit.

Step 1 Enroll your dog in a basic obedience class to learn the 'Heel,' 'Sit' and 'Stay' commands.

Translation: Engage in a relationship.

Step 2 When your dog is learning a command, say 'Good' the instant she exhibits proper behavior, and then follow up quickly with a reward of treats and more praise.

Translation: Say stuff like "you're the bomb" and follow up with a kiss.

Step3 Begin increasing your expectations very slowly. For example, lengthen by a few seconds the time your dog must sit before you shower praise.

Translation: WHAT?!! Stop the music....I can't do this..

Men are not dogs, this is a load of crap. Are you saying my expectations are already too high because I expect you to already know how to hold decent conversations, dress accordingly, perform everyday adult tasks without being told when where why and how? Dont men expect the same from women?

This blog was initially two pages long. I had to cut out my passion for this topic and kiss (keep it simple shorty) it. Sure, you teach people how to treat you but you do not train, teach or change a man. And ummmm if I am wrong and you know how to do this can you tell me? I have tried the rules listed above and they didn't work for me ROFL.

Sit Boo Boo Sit! Good dog.

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